Disney World: The Ultimate Guide
Updated Feb 2017. Going to Disney World is a totally unique experience. Advice is abundant but can be time consuming trying to figure out what to think about first. We have solved your problems. Disney World: The Ultimate Guide, will guide you to relevant information on websites so you can make good choices, save time and money.
Each chapter will guide you through a thought process to plan. We have scoured the internet so you don't have to. Our experience: we live here, for over 40 years. Been to the parks multiple times. Get ready to "Do Disney World Smart!"

Disney World: How to Do it Smart
There was a time when Disney World just had the Magic Kingdom. It was a grand experience and you could see the whole park in one long day. Those days are long gone but to our benefit.
Now a days with 4 theme parks and 2 water parks you have to plan well.
The traveler now has 1000's of information sources to take advantage of. Books, apps, websites, forums. It is hard enough to plan the trip, nevertheless find the correct information.

Almost every source has value and quality but it is information overload.
We have created this guidebook so you can do Disney smart and save you time and money.
The Ultimate List of the
Web’s Best Disney World Resources
- Save.Before You Go Tips
- Disney World for Children
- Disney World for Adults
- Top Things to See
- Food Guide
- Golden Tips
- Best Disney Books

Chapter 1
Saving Money and Preparing for the Trip
It only takes a small amount of time plan with our help. Find the right Disney World tickets at the best price. How to pay even less for hotels. What is the best time to come for weather and to avoid crowds. One essential item you should bring with you.

Chapter 2
How to Create the Best Experience for You and Your Children
The magic of Disney World is breathtaking for our children. With their cute little heads taking in all the sights, you want to plan for their experience while keeping yourself sane. Discover how to keep everyone thrilled.

Chapter 3
Disney World for Adults
There is much advice to give adults. From young adults, mid age to the elderly and disabled, we all want something different. From Magic Kingdom to Epcot and night life. Since you are in Orlando there is more to do than spend each day at the park, like night life and beaches.

Chapter 4
What to See When You Are Here
This is the ultimate must do and see, and if the line is too long what to skip. We know you want to see it all, and you can. Let's make some priorities and time management. It's a Small World is a classic for children, and even adults for the first time, but as go through our sources you can determine your own schedule.

Chapter 5
Food: Where to Go and How to Save
Whether you want to fine dine, fast dine, save on dining and or don't dine at all. Money saving tips that will keep you full and your pockets as well. Smart ways to get free or 50% off meals.

Chapter 6
More Tips You Will Love
Disney does have a fast pass. With this pass, it will allow you to get in enter a special line without waiting hours. This chapter could very well give you an unlimited amount of ideas. However, here are certain gems that are just smart and useful.

Chapter 7
Best Disney World Books
These are the top Disney World books to read before and take with you. All these books if not totally practical are extremely insightful to help make your Disney experience more meaningful.
- Birnbaum's 2017 Walt Disney World: The Official Guide
- The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World 2017
- The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World: Over 600 Secrets of the Magic Kingdom
- Walt Disney World Exclusive Official Autograph Book
- Hidden Mickeys: A Field Guide to Walt Disney World's Best Kept Secrets
- PassPorter's Walt Disney World 2017